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Inviting our younger sisters in

The Rites of Passage and Empowerment Program (R.O.P.E.) serves the needs of middle and high school girls. We recognized an opportunity to also serve younger girls who are not yet able to officially join R.O.P.E. due to the age requirement, but could still benefit from this enriching space.


To this end, the R.O.P.E. Ambassador Program was created in fall 2020 to serve as an incubator, preparing girls 12 and under for full and active participation in R.O.P.E.


R.O.P.E. Ambassadors will be invited to access programming, meetings, and activities as appropriate. As a result of this inclusion and exposure, R.O.P.E. ambassadors will have an understanding of the commitment to be in R.O.P.E. and will be empowered to take that next step as an official member.


To learn more about the R.O.P.E. ambassador program, please email Roberta McCulloch-Dews at  

"I do my best because

I'm counting on you counting on me."

--Maya Angelou 

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